Ancient Pyramids found in Hawaii? — 2012 The Awakening

Note: When I lived on Kauai I found ancient pyramid clusters in mountains all over the island, even had a pyramid approx as large as the Great Pyramid in Giza less than a mile from my home where the elevation was about 850ft. Below you can see the tip as it appeared from our back […]

via Ancient Pyramids found in Hawaii? — 2012 The Awakening

About Linda DeGuise aka Strawberry

It takes a certain something to Live in Flint. Michigan is beautiful, but good ole Flint has seen better days; but a revitalization is taking place. New people are moving in, (stuff is cheap here), and the 'misguided' are dropping like flies. Here's to seeing how this ends up.......on many different levels and many different subjects. Using nutrition to hold a virus at bay; outraged that information on healthy lifestyles isn't stressed more. Food and nutrition hold the key to most human ailments, and the longer I hold it off...the more I will be vehemently screaming it. EAT REAL FOOD and not chemical stuff made in a laboratory. Food as Medicine.
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